Friday, January 22, 2010

Blio — New Ebook Software

Kurzweil is an idiosyncratic but expansive thinker, so I'm looking forward to seeing where this software leads!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Tools to Help Manage Learning

Feeling overwhelmed by what you're learning in classes? Need new ways to manage, create, and share information for assignments and projects? Just want to try something different? Check out some of these tools...

Cacoo is an online collaborative diagramming tool—make a floorplan, a chart, or something else and share it on a blog.

ColorSchemeDesigner can help you make your webpages and other documents hold together better aesthetically (plus it's a lot of fun to use!).

Mendeley is a research management tool that you can use to sync notes, citation, and other content among computers. You can also add a bookmarklet to your browser to import websites and other resources to your Mendeley database. This tool also allows you to sync/import your Zotero (see below) sources.

Readability is a browser-based tool that strips out clutter (and ads!) from webpages on the fly, allowing you to read things with much greater ease and clarity. 

Scrivener is a useful tool if you do lots of writing and are looking for an innovative way to manage your notes and create your drafts in chunks. It's a $40 download (and for Macs only).

ShowMeWhatsWrong is a free web-based tool that allows you to do a brief screen capture to send to friends in order to get help trouble-shooting computer problems.

SlideFinder searches publicly available PowerPoint presentations. Why would you want to do this? Well, you might find a great new way of presenting information!

SlideRocket is an online presentation tool (i.e. like PowerPoint). The advantage? It's web-based and available from any location with Internet access. You'll find a free option available along with various paid ones.

37Signals offers a host of collaborative tools such as whiteboards and task managers to aid group projects. Most of their tools require a modest monthly fee, but many also allow you to sign up for a 30-day free trial. 

Zoho offers a wide variety of collaborative tools including wikis and word processors. Individual users can sign up for free.

Zotero is a Firefox extension that allows you to manage, annotate, and cite resources from within your browser.


This blog is a collaborative effort of students enrolled in LIS590MLL Media Literacy and Youth (Spring 2010) through the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and taught by Carol Tilley.