Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Comics and Game-Related Collection Development and Programming Resources for Librarians

A few resources to get you started....Remember to look back on our class notes slides on Moodle for links to other relevant sites.


Mike Lavin at the University of Buffalo has a great starting point for information about comics. Here you can find resources to broaden your understanding of the history of comics as well as links to best-selling comics and reviews for librarians.

The Cooperative Children's Book Center at the University of Wisconsin also maintains a comics-related resource page that lists articles, links to review sites, and names titles useful for collection development.

If you're interested in more historically-focused information on comics, you can't beat the New York Public Library's Comic Books Research Guide.


Although it was included in the readings for gaming, Scott Nicholson's Games in Libraries links to useful information on all aspects of gaming.

It's brief, but this Library Journal blog post offers a good rationale for collecting and programming with games in libraries.

Check out this New York school library system's game library website for a rationale, ties to learning standards, and more.


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